Autopsy Reveals Blunt Force Trauma: Evelyn Guardado’s Tragic Death

In a shocking revelation, the autopsy report of Evelyn Guardado has come to light, confirming that her death was caused by blunt force trauma to the head.
The tragic death of Evelyn Guardado has left the community in mourning, as the autopsy report from the Laredo Medical Examiners office confirmed that she died from blunt force trauma to the head. The report, received by Maverick County Pct. 4 Justice of the Peace Tere Hernandez, pointed out that Ms. Guardado was fatally struck with a blunt object, leading to her untimely demise.
Blunt force trauma, categorized as non-penetrating trauma, can result from forceful impacts, falls, or physical attacks involving dull objects. The details of the autopsy report beyond the cause of death have not been disclosed, but it explicitly states no evidence of sexual assault or forceful penetration.
READ: Jesus Vasquez Indicted for Murder by Grand Jury
Despite the autopsy findings, there remains an ongoing investigation, including a Sexual Assault/Rape Kit, the results of which are yet to be made public.
The significant progress made by authorities in this case has led to the incarceration of Jesus Vasquez at the Tom Bowles Detention Center, charged with the murder of Evelyn Guardado. The young woman was reported missing on January 31, 2023, triggering a massive search operation conducted by her family and law enforcement.
A week later, tragedy struck as her lifeless body was discovered in a ranch near Quemado, Texas. The arrest of Vasquez followed shortly after, near San Antonio, TX, with Ms. Guardado’s vehicle found in his possession.
The upcoming murder trial is a crucial milestone for seeking justice for Evelyn Guardado’s untimely death. Her family, friends, and the community demand a fair and just outcome as they grieve her loss.
As this story unfolds, the community’s determination to unveil the truth and honor Evelyn Guardado’s memory grows stronger. The focus remains on supporting the legal process and ensuring a transparent investigation that will provide closure for those impacted by this heart-wrenching tragedy.
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