Governor Abbott Signs the Save Women’s Sports Act

Governor Greg Abbott of Texas has signed the Save Women’s Sports Act into law, marking a significant moment for female athletes in the state. The legislation, which was passed during the 88th Regular Legislative Session, aims to protect the integrity of women’s sports by prohibiting biological men from competing against female athletes at Texas colleges and universities.
During the bill signing ceremony at the Texas Capitol, Governor Abbott expressed the importance of this new law for female athletes, particularly young girls who aspire to compete in college sports. He emphasized that the Save Women’s Sports Act will safeguard the dreams and aspirations of women in Texas and ensure that the legacy of women’s sports is preserved for future generations.
This is not the first time Governor Abbott has taken action to protect girls’ sports in the state. In 2021, similar legislation was signed into law to safeguard girls’ sports in Texas public schools. The Governor’s commitment to promoting fairness and maintaining a level playing field for female athletes has been a consistent priority.
The bill signing ceremony saw the presence of several prominent individuals who have advocated for women’s sports. Senators Mayes Middleton and Donna Campbell, as well as Representatives Caroline Harris, Tom Oliverson, and Valoree Swanson, stood alongside the Governor. The event also featured former collegiate swimmer Jeri Shanteau, collegiate basketball player Kassidy Comer, powerlifter Jade Dickens, collegiate swimmer Ellie McLeod, collegiate volleyball player Makenna Miller, and other women’s sports advocates.
Senate Bill 15, sponsored by Senators Mayes Middleton and Valoree Swanson, serves as the legislative foundation for the Save Women’s Sports Act. It explicitly prohibits biological males from participating in college-level athletic competitions designated for biological female athletes. The bill is designed to maintain competitive fairness and ensure that women’s sports remain a platform for female athletes to excel.
Furthermore, the bill establishes a mechanism that enables individuals to seek injunctive relief if a Texas public college or university or an intercollegiate athletic team violates the provisions outlined in the legislation. This provision reinforces the commitment to upholding the integrity of women’s sports and offers recourse for those affected by any potential violations.
The signing of the Save Women’s Sports Act into law represents a significant step towards ensuring fairness in athletic competitions and preserving opportunities for female athletes in Texas. By implementing these measures, the state of Texas aims to protect the rights and opportunities of women in sports, fostering an environment where female athletes can thrive and inspire future generations.

El Gobernador Greg Abbott firma la Ley de Protección del Deporte Femenino en Texas
El gobernador Greg Abbott de Texas ha firmado la Ley de Protección del Deporte Femenino, conocida como Save Women’s Sports Act, convirtiéndola en ley en el Capitolio de Texas. Esta nueva ley tiene como objetivo proteger la integridad del deporte femenino al prohibir que hombres biológicos compitan contra atletas femeninas en las universidades y colegios de Texas.
“Hoy es un día importante para las atletas femeninas de todo el estado de Texas, incluyendo a las niñas que aspiran a competir algún día en deportes universitarios”, dijo el gobernador Abbott. “El Save Women’s Sports Act protege a las jóvenes mujeres en las universidades y colegios de Texas al prohibir que los hombres compitan en equipos o individualmente contra ellas en el deporte universitario. El deporte ha inspirado a muchas mujeres a tener grandes visiones y sueños sobre lo que quieren lograr. El legado del deporte femenino estará protegido para las futuras generaciones. Las mujeres en Texas pueden estar seguras de que la integridad de su deporte estará protegida en nuestro estado”.
En 2021, el gobernador Abbott firmó una legislación similar para proteger el deporte femenino en las escuelas públicas de Texas.
Durante la ceremonia de firma de la ley, el gobernador estuvo acompañado por los senadores Mayes Middleton y Donna Campbell; los representantes Caroline Harris, Tom Oliverson y Valoree Swanson; la exnadadora universitaria Jeri Shanteau; la jugadora de baloncesto universitaria Kassidy Comer; la levantadora de pesas Jade Dickens; la nadadora universitaria Ellie McLeod; la jugadora de voleibol universitaria Makenna Miller; y otros defensores del deporte femenino.
El Proyecto de Ley del Senado 15 (Middleton/Swanson) prohíbe a hombres biológicos competir en competencias atléticas a nivel universitario designadas para atletas biológicas femeninas para mantener la equidad competitiva. El proyecto de ley también crea un mecanismo para que las personas busquen una medida cautelar contra una universidad pública de Texas o un equipo atlético interuniversitario si violan las disposiciones de la ley.