In our first installment of the #maverickfiles we are releasing the documents of the highly controversial lawsuit Texas State Representative of HD74 Eddie Morales pursued against a local citizen journalist. The lawsuit was filed in the 293rd District Court where thousands of dollars were donated by both the State Rep Morales including the Law firm he works for Langley and Banack to the 293rd District Judge’s campaign funds. Several controversial turns in this court proceeding that could leave one with the opinion that the Texas State Representative Morales may just own the 293rd Judicial Court system. We will be releasing all the documents in this court preceding.
SPOILER: The first document to be released in this series is the original lawsuit document. It will get even more interesting when the documents are released that put the whole reason for lawsuit in question when a subpoena to “Only Fans” comes up during the litigation. Stay tuned to the #maverickfiles as we give you a look into the lawsuit that sent Texas State Rep Eddie Morales into craze sucker punching citizen journalists on the steps of the county courthouse.
Click here to view court document:
Lawsuit TX State Rep Eddie Morales against Citizen Journalist