Texas National Guard Soldier Arrested for Smuggling Immigrant in Operation Lone Star Crackdown (BODYCAM FOOTAGE)

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According to reliable sources within the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), a Texas National Guard soldier deployed from McAllen to Eagle Pass as part of Operation Lone Star was apprehended for attempting to smuggle an illegal immigrant in a government vehicle. The incident took place on Sunday and has raised concerns regarding the integrity of the operation.

Sheriff Brad Coe of the Kinney County Sheriff’s Office revealed that the soldier became suspicious and turned around when he encountered a pop-up tactical border patrol checkpoint on 674 in Kinney County. The checkpoint had only been operational for a few days, and the soldier’s behavior alerted the agents, who then attempted to stop the SUV. Texas DPS intervened in the pursuit and successfully used spike strips to bring the vehicle to a halt. The Kinney County Sheriff’s Office provided assistance during the operation. The bodycam footage was provided by Ali Bradley on Facebook.

Texas DPS is currently conducting an investigation into the incident. Sources indicate that the soldier did not have access to license plate readers or other technology that could have aided his smuggling attempt. The soldier was armed, which further escalated the charges against him. It is believed that he was promised a sum of $5,000 to $6,000 for transporting the individual.

Efforts have been made to obtain comments from the Kinney County Sheriff’s Office and Governor Abbott’s office, but no response has been received so far.

This incident highlights the vigilance and dedication of the Texas authorities in combating illegal immigration and smuggling activities. The swift response by the Kinney County Sheriff’s Office, Texas DPS, and other agencies involved demonstrates their commitment to maintaining the security and integrity of the state’s borders.

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