Drug Arrest Made During Routine Traffic Stop on US Highway 57

Law enforcement officers in Zavala County, Texas, successfully conducted a routine traffic stop on Sunday, June 18, 2023, resulting in the apprehension of two individuals and the discovery of illegal substances in their vehicle. Jesus Flores and Alicia Marie Guffin now face drug-related charges following the incident on US Highway 57.
Officials from the Zavala County Sheriff’s Office were patrolling in a two-man unit when they pulled over a Black Ford Taurus due to a traffic violation. The driver, identified as Jesus Flores from Converse, TX, raised suspicion with his behavior, and the unmistakable odor of marijuana emanated from the vehicle.

Upon further questioning, Flores admitted to having marijuana in the vehicle. The officers then turned their attention to the female passenger, later identified as Alicia Marie Guffin, who disclosed the presence of methamphetamines concealed in her makeup bag inside the vehicle.
In light of the evidence and statements provided, the officials promptly instructed Flores to exit the vehicle, and both suspects were placed under arrest. Hand restraints were applied, and their Miranda Rights were read to ensure their rights were upheld. Without incident, Flores and Guffin were transported to the Zavala County Jail, where they will face charges related to drug possession.

Following the arrest, the authorities released the Black Ford Taurus to Garcia Wrecker Service, who took custody of the vehicle as part of the ongoing investigation.

Arresto por drogas realizado durante una parada de tráfico de rutina en la autopista US Highway 57
Agentes del orden en el condado de Zavala, Texas, llevaron a cabo con éxito una parada de tráfico de rutina el domingo 18 de junio de 2023, lo que resultó en la detención de dos individuos y el descubrimiento de sustancias ilegales en su vehículo. Jesús Flores y Alicia Marie Guffin ahora enfrentan cargos relacionados con drogas después del incidente en la autopista US 57.
Funcionarios de la Oficina del Sheriff del condado de Zavala estaban patrullando en una unidad de dos hombres cuando detuvieron un Ford Taurus negro debido a una violación de tráfico. El conductor, identificado como Jesús Flores de Converse, TX, levantó sospechas con su comportamiento, y del vehículo emanaba un inconfundible olor a marihuana.
Tras un interrogatorio adicional, Flores admitió tener marihuana en el vehículo. Los agentes dirigieron entonces su atención a la pasajera femenina, posteriormente identificada como Alicia Marie Guffin, quien reveló la presencia de metanfetaminas ocultas en su bolsa de maquillaje dentro del vehículo.
A la luz de las pruebas y las declaraciones proporcionadas, los funcionarios instruyeron de inmediato a Flores que saliera del vehículo, y ambos sospechosos fueron detenidos. Se les aplicaron restricciones manuales y se les leyeron sus derechos de Miranda para garantizar que se respetaran sus derechos. Sin incidentes, Flores y Guffin fueron trasladados a la cárcel del condado de Zavala, donde enfrentarán cargos relacionados con la posesión de drogas.
Después del arresto, las autoridades entregaron el Ford Taurus negro a Garcia Wrecker Service, quien se hizo cargo del vehículo como parte de la investigación en curso.
the female in this article is my daughter whom we haven’t heard from in years, ur very simple article let us know, she is alive, thank you, if you by chance have anymore information, it would be greatly appreciated