Texas State Rep Faces Expulsion Over Allegations of Sexual Misconduct

State Rep. Bryan Slaton of Texas is facing expulsion from the Texas House after being investigated by the House General Investigating Committee for allegations of sexual misconduct with a subordinate. The Committee’s chair, State Rep. Andrew Murr, revealed that their findings showed that Slaton had provided alcohol to a 19-year-old staff member before having sex with her.
According to the report, Slaton had repeatedly purchased alcoholic drinks for the woman and invited her and her friends to his condo, claiming he did not want to drink alone. On March 31, Slaton allegedly engaged in sexual intercourse with the female staffer.
Murr stated that Slaton had systematically attempted to influence the subordinate and multiple witnesses to obstruct the investigation following the encounter. The report was distributed to members, and Slaton was present during the announcement.
Murr intends to introduce a resolution on May 9th to expel Slaton from the chamber, which would require two-thirds approval of the body, immediately vacating his seat and setting up a special election to replace him.
Last month, when the allegations first surfaced, Slaton’s lawyer called them “outrageous” and “false.” However, capitol sources suggest that Slaton may resign before the expulsion vote on Tuesday. The last time a member of the House was expelled was in 1927.
Source: Texas Scorecard