Maverick County Constable Precinct 2, Albert “Beto” De La Torre shared pictures of the Father’s Day Invasion in Maverick County. De La Torre mentioned that just yesterday Maverick County saw 1,980 illegal migrant had been apprehended and today was no different. The pictures show over 100 illegal migrants, Constable De La Torre said it took a charter bus and three transportation vans to have them transported out of the area.

The Maverick County Constable Precinct 2 Office has the smallest budget of the four precincts in Maverick County but Constable De La Torre and his team have made it a priority to protect the Maverick County, Texas border. He stated on his Facebook Page, that large groups are arriving at the U.S. Border throughout county. The pictures were taken by the Rio Grande River banks south of Loop 480 that has grown into an area of concern for his precinct.
We reached out to the Maverick County Constable to ask about the situation and how it is affecting his office. The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott recent sent funding to the counties in need of assistance to manage the situation through Operation Lone Star. We asked about how this funding is assisting his office.
Operation Lone Star added one deputy constable to our team, but it has been detrimental to our budget because of the fuel situation. The budget for the constable office in precinct 2 was approved only a dismal $2,900 in commissioners court for fuel the entire fiscal year. Other constable precinct offices received more funding for gas and precinct 2 is the biggest precinct in Maverick County. Even the added deputy constable from Operation Lone Star funds does not receive the funds for fuel from the Governor’s implemented grant program.
Constable De La Torre said he is constantly requesting funding for fuel from Commissioner Pct 2 Rosy Cantu. The Maverick County Sheriff’s Office has refused to provide his deputy constable that is funded by Operation Lone Star the necessary fuel which is causing a strain on fuel for the precinct. Constable offices in other precincts are receiving adequate fuel funding but we are not, it has been two months since we finished the $2,900 budgeted by commissioners court.
Constable De La Torre stressed that his deputy constables are patrolling seven days a week with the three units he has been provided but without the fuel budget he is finding it difficult with the grant funded deputy constable because of the fuel constraint. Although he is still hopeful that Precinct 2 Commissioner Cantu and Commissioners Court will see the crisis at the border and understand that with inflation a $2,900 fuel budget is hardly adequate in this day in time.
The Sheriff’s Assistant Ignacio “Nacho” Saucedo has requested statistics from the constable in order to allocate more funding for the constable’s office for next fiscal year starting October. Nacho Saucedo is the brother of the Maverick County Judge, David Saucedo and makes upwards of $60,000 annually as the Sheriff’s Assistant.
Source: Maverick County FY 22 Budget