Jorge Barrera Leads Student Water Warriors in Eagle Pass Facility Tours to Promote Sustainability


Under the leadership of Jorge Barrera, General Manager of Eagle Pass Water Works, the Water Warriors initiative was formed to engage and educate local students about environmental sustainability and water management. On October 8th, Barrera, along with the Water Warriors, embarked on an insightful tour of key facilities in Eagle Pass, learning firsthand about the crucial operations that support the city’s infrastructure. The group visited three essential sites: the sewer plant, the Maverick County Landfill, and the newly inaugurated Riskind Business Incubator.

A Day of Learning and Discovery for Students

Thanks to Jorge Barrera and EPWW Staff guidance, the Water Warriors—made up of students passionate about sustainability—gained invaluable experience through the tour. This educational opportunity, hosted by the City of Eagle Pass and supported by Maverick County, helped students better understand the behind-the-scenes work that keeps the city running.

  • At the sewer plant, students were shown how wastewater is treated and safely processed, a critical step in maintaining clean water supplies for the community.

  • At the Maverick County Landfill, they learned about the importance of waste management and recycling, key components in reducing environmental harm.

  • The Riskind Business Incubator tour introduced students to how new businesses in the area are being fostered, with a focus on sustainability and innovation, giving the students a glimpse into how their community is adapting for the future.
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Inspiring the Next Generation

Through the Water Warriors initiative, Jorge Barrera has made it a priority to involve students in hands-on experiences that teach sustainability. By leading this tour, Barrera ensured that these young leaders understand the real-world importance of environmental conservation and responsible water management.

The students wrapped up their eventful day with their monthly meeting at Eagle Pass High School, where they reflected on the knowledge gained during their facility tours and discussed ideas for future environmental projects.

A Community United for Positive Change

This initiative demonstrates the power of collaboration between local government, educational institutions, and Eagle Pass Water Works, led by Jorge Barrera. By providing students with opportunities like the Water Warriors program, the community is fostering the next generation of environmental stewards, ensuring that the lessons learned today will help build a greener, more sustainable future.

As the Water Warriors continue to grow under Barrera’s leadership, they are playing an essential role in shaping the future of Eagle Pass by promoting sustainability and environmental awareness.

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