State Representative Eddie Morales Unveils Disturbing Allegations Against Attorney General Paxton

Texas State House Representative Eddie Morales has submitted a letter to the General Investigation Committee, levying serious accusations against Attorney General Ken Paxton. Morales alleges that Paxton engaged in alarming behavior by making threatening phone calls to members of the Texas House of Representatives and Senate, with the aim of influencing their votes on the impeachment and their role as jurors in the Senate trial concerning House Resolution 2377. In light of these distressing revelations, Morales respectfully urges the committee to revise the charges against Paxton, encompassing allegations of abuse of power, intimidation of fellow representatives, and tampering with the jury by intimidating the Senate.
Additionally, Morales calls for an additional amendment to the formal charge document, seeking reimbursement or restitution of state taxpayer funds expended due to Paxton’s actions. This includes costs incurred by the Attorney General’s Office, such as those arising from the departure of staff and employees. The subsequent necessity of hiring external legal counsel to manage the increased workload has placed an additional financial burden on the taxpayers of Texas.
Representative Morales underscores the gravity of his decision and assures that he approached the vote with utmost seriousness. He carefully considered all the information and statements presented during the full General Investigating Committee hearing conducted under House Resolution 2377. Furthermore, Morales conducted an extensive review, which involved scrutinizing the testimony and transcript of the General Investigative Committee, analyzing the committee’s May 26th, 2023 Memorandum, thoroughly examining the formal document of House Resolution 2377, and conducting personal legal research on relevant case law and impeachment precedents within the state of Texas.
Following thorough deliberation and meticulous examination of the available evidence, Representative Morales cast a “Yes” vote on House Resolution 2377, endorsing all the charges presented. He remains resolute in his stance and stands firmly by his decision amidst the ongoing tumultuous proceedings.
Morales’s letter brings to light concerning allegations against Attorney General Ken Paxton, raising significant questions about potential abuses of power and employment of intimidation tactics during the impeachment proceedings. As the General Investigation Committee evaluates these allegations and considers the requested amendments, the future of Paxton’s legal and political career hangs in the balance. Texans eagerly await further developments in this high-stakes impeachment process, as it carries profound implications for their state’s governance and justice system.
Statement: During the impeachment proceedings Representative Geren revealed allegations that Attorney General Paxton made threatening phone calls to members of the Texas House of Representatives and Senate to influence either their vote for impeachment or their role in acting as a juror during an impeachment trial in the Senate on House Resolution 2377. Given these new and disturbing detailsI respectfully request this body or the General Investigation Committee to amend the articles and formal charges against Attorney General Paxton to include abuse of power, intimidation of members of the Texas House of Representatives, and jury tampering with respect to the intimidation of the Senate. Second, I further request an additional amendment to the formal charge document against Attorney General Paxton to include a petition for reimbursement/restitution of state taxpayer funds incurred or expended in furtherance of the violations by the acts of Attorney General PaxtonThis includes, but is not limited tothe additional costs the Attorney General Office incurred after the mass exodus of staff and employees that resulted in the agency having to hire outside legal counsel to keep up with the case load. Finally, I did not take this vote lightly and considered all information and statements from the full General Investigating Committee hearing conducted today under House Resolution 2377. In addition, I reviewed the full General Investigative Committee testimony and transcript, the Memorandum from the General Investigating Committee dated May 26th 2023, a review of the House Resolution 2377 formal document, and my own legal research and review of case law precedent and impeachment caselaw in the state of TexasAt the conclusion of this proceeding, I voted YES on House Resolution 2377 as it applies to all charges presented and stand by that vote.

En una carta dirigida al Comité de Investigación General, el Representante Estatal de Texas, Eddie Morales, ha planteado acusaciones alarmantes contra el Procurador General Ken Paxton. Morales afirma que Paxton realizó llamadas telefónicas amenazantes a miembros de la Cámara de Representantes y del Senado de Texas, con el objetivo de influir en su voto durante el proceso de destitución o en su papel como jurados durante el juicio en el Senado sobre la Resolución 2377 de la Cámara. Como resultado de estas revelaciones perturbadoras, Morales solicita respetuosamente al comité que modifique los cargos contra Paxton, citando abuso de poder, intimidación a los representantes y manipulación del jurado en relación con la intimidación en el Senado.
Además, Morales insta a realizar una enmienda adicional al documento de cargos formales, buscando una petición de reembolso o restitución de los fondos estatales gastados debido a las acciones de Paxton. Este reembolso incluiría diversos costos incurridos por la Oficina del Procurador General, incluidos aquellos derivados de la salida masiva de personal y empleados. Como resultado, la agencia se vio obligada a contratar asesores legales externos para hacer frente a la carga de trabajo adicional, lo que generó cargas financieras adicionales para los contribuyentes de Texas.
El Representante Morales enfatiza la gravedad de su decisión y asegura que no tomó a la ligera su voto. Consideró cuidadosamente toda la información y declaraciones presentadas durante la audiencia completa del Comité de Investigación General realizada bajo la Resolución 2377 de la Cámara. Además, Morales llevó a cabo una revisión exhaustiva que incluyó el análisis del testimonio y la transcripción del Comité de Investigación General, el Memorando del 26 de mayo de 2023 del comité, un examen detallado del documento formal de la Resolución 2377 de la Cámara, y su propia investigación legal y revisión de precedentes jurisprudenciales y casos de destitución en el estado de Texas.
Como resultado de una deliberación exhaustiva y el análisis de las pruebas disponibles, el Representante Morales votó “SÍ” a favor de la Resolución 2377 de la Cámara, respaldando todos los cargos presentados. Permanece firme en su postura y respalda su decisión en medio de estos tumultuosos procedimientos.
La carta del Representante Morales pone de manifiesto acusaciones preocupantes contra el Procurador General Ken Paxton, lo que plantea interrogantes sobre el posible abuso de poder y las tácticas de intimidación empleadas durante el proceso de destitución. Mientras el Comité de Investigación General evalúa estas acusaciones y considera las enmiendas solicitadas, el futuro de la carrera legal y política de Paxton pende de un hilo, lo que deja a los texanos a la espera de nuevos desarrollos en este proceso de destitución de alto riesgo.