Governor Abbott Announces Arrival of Migrants in Los Angeles

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Governor Greg Abbott made an announcement today regarding the arrival of a group of migrants who were transported by buses from Texas to Los Angeles, California. The migrants were dropped off at L.A. Union Station in the evening.

Governor Abbott expressed concern over the overwhelming situation faced by small border towns in Texas, as thousands of people continue to illegally cross into the state from Mexico. He attributed this crisis to President Biden’s failure to secure the border. The Governor highlighted Los Angeles as a city that migrants are drawn to, especially since its leaders have declared it a sanctuary city. He emphasized that Texas’ border communities are at the forefront of this border crisis, and until President Biden takes action to secure the border, Texas will continue to provide much-needed relief.

In April 2022, Governor Abbott instructed the Texas Division of Emergency Management to arrange buses for transporting migrants from Texas to Washington, D.C. Last year, he expanded the drop-off locations to include New York City, Chicago, and Philadelphia, and just last month, Denver was added as a new destination. Since the implementation of this migrant busing strategy last spring, over 21,600 migrants have been transported to these self-declared sanctuary cities. This initiative aims to alleviate the pressure faced by Texas’ overwhelmed border communities.

Governor Abbott’s actions reflect his concerns about the border crisis and the impact it has on Texas. By coordinating transportation to various cities, the state is seeking to distribute the burden and provide relief to overwhelmed areas. The inclusion of sanctuary cities as drop-off locations underscores the complexities surrounding immigration policies and the interplay between federal and local authorities.

As the situation continues to unfold, Governor Abbott remains steadfast in his call for President Biden to take decisive action to secure the border. The busing of migrants to other cities serves as a temporary solution, allowing Texas to address immediate challenges while urging the federal government to fulfill its responsibility in border security.

Governor Abbott’s latest announcement marks another step in his ongoing efforts to address the border crisis and protect Texas communities. By raising awareness of the situation and seeking relief through migrant transportation, the Governor aims to highlight the urgent need for a comprehensive and sustainable solution to secure the border.

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El Gobernador Abbott Anuncia Llegada de Migrantes a Los Ángeles

El gobernador Greg Abbott anunció hoy la llegada del primer grupo de migrantes trasladados en autobús desde Texas a Los Ángeles, California. Los migrantes fueron dejados en la Estación de la Unión de Los Ángeles esta noche.

“Las pequeñas ciudades fronterizas de Texas siguen abrumadas y desbordadas por miles de personas que cruzan ilegalmente hacia Texas desde México debido a la negativa del presidente Biden de asegurar la frontera”, dijo el gobernador Abbott. “Los Ángeles es una ciudad importante a la que los migrantes buscan ir, especialmente ahora que sus líderes municipales han aprobado su estatus de ciudad santuario autodeclarada. Nuestras comunidades fronterizas están en la primera línea de la crisis fronteriza del presidente Biden, y Texas seguirá brindando este alivio tan necesario hasta que él cumpla con su trabajo y asegure la frontera”.

En abril de 2022, el gobernador Abbott ordenó a la División de Gestión de Emergencias de Texas que chartereara autobuses para transportar migrantes desde Texas a Washington D.C. El gobernador agregó la Ciudad de Nueva York, Chicago y Filadelfia como ubicaciones adicionales de entrega el año pasado, y recientemente agregó Denver como destino de autobús el mes pasado. Desde el inicio de la estrategia de transporte de migrantes la primavera pasada, se han transportado más de 21,600 migrantes a estas ciudades santuario autodeclaradas, al tiempo que brindan un alivio muy necesario a las comunidades fronterizas de Texas abrumadas.

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